The Internet is Not ForeverI found out that the Internet is not forever the hard way. When an acquaintance deleted the entire archive of our conversations on Telegram…Feb 22Feb 22
The World of Orange JuiceOnce a upon time, drinking freshly squeezed orange juice was something that people did. These days, we reach for soft drinks or…Feb 17Feb 17
Why Doctors Should Prescribe Healthy HabitsHealthy habits are crucial to maintain good health. Often doctors prescribe the wrong habits. They might tell a patient to eat more…Feb 16Feb 16
Doctor Reacts to Trump’s MAHA Executive OrderToday I found this video by Dr Josef. He believes that psychiatric drugs are actually making people worse. He has many concerns about the…Feb 16Feb 16
How to Turn AI Training Off on Twitter.Twitter has enabled AI training by default on their platform. You can turn it off by going into the privacy/personalisation settings.Feb 16Feb 16
Why We Need to Reclaim DarknessExposure to artificial light at night when you should be sleeping is harming to your health. Many researchers have pointed this out, yet…Feb 10Feb 10
Bridesmaid Dresses that are Not PolyesterWhen buying a bridesmaid dress, consider buying something that is breathable. Polyester is essentially plastic. Chiffon often these days is…Feb 10Feb 10
The False Promises of AI LaptopsThere is a new wave of AI laptops that promises to help us be more productive, but in reality, most of them are a scam. Many of them don’t…Feb 10Feb 10
Can changing your diet improve your vision?In this video, two men discuss how changing their diet helped improve their vision.Jan 10Jan 10